
Sunday, January 27, 2013

The Sun's out to 2013

Rotorua lakesThere's no more denying it: 2013 has well and truly begun. From now on, any missed days at uni are no longer acceptable. I've returned from my Christmas break, taken another spontaneous mid-January holiday, and returned ungraciously to my desk. Perhaps now is the perfect time to get into the right mindset for the year ahead.

2012 was filled with manic crazes of supervisors leaving, labs breaking up, and farewell dinners. Not something that every PhD student has to deal with, but I can't really complain because life is unfair and no one wants to hear about it all the time. I'll keep it brief and say that time was wasted.

But here's my opportunity to get back on track. I'm encountering a few potential problems in my brief attempts at work so far this year:

1. The negative motivational state of others around you can be incredibly influential. Whether it be upset family members, or fellow PhD students with motivational issues, it's hard to find the reasons why you should work hard when no one else is.

2. Laboratory fear. This comes from having spent too much time away from the lab, whether it be data analysis at your desk, or lazing in the sun. Whatever the distractor,  the result is a fear of having to re-learn how to do those experimental procedures that are now distant in your mind, and a total avoidance of the lab.

3. The Sun! [capital 'S']. He who deems it unfit to poke his yellow head through the clouds at most other times of year, is powerful in his distracting abilities. Who wants to spend time in a darkened microscope room when Mr Sun is here on his brief annual visit?

4. Public holidays. In New Zealand, there are many at this time of day. Today is 'Auckland Anniversary' day. Next week is 'Waitangi Day'. Many valid excuses for not going to uni and not doing any PhD work.

5. Pure laziness.

So whilst I'm sad to see these infinite holidays come to a close, I am even more scared that they never will. Where is that feeling of drive and determination towards my PhD?

I'm trying not to worry about it too much though, as I'm sure soon enough it will be thrust back in my face, whether the sun is still out or not.

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